Besides juggling, what else is she good at?

Juggling, generous wine pours, cat stalking the humane society, and without a doubt, the best golfer in the office. Yes, we said what we said. She once shot a 78 and took third in her district tournament, and she still has the ball to prove it if you want to argue about it. Beyond the green and the cats, Andra is also a skilled designer who takes an extremely pragmatic and organized approach to her projects. With a variety of projects under her belt, Andra’s sweet spot is multifamily and mixed-use.

“Anne - Druh”

…. Not “Awn-Druh”; she’s not a fancy awning. But who is this non-window covering? Superb question and no doubt the reason you’re in the About Us section, duh. Andra is licensed in Florida and a Senior Designer at Woodblock with experience working on multi-family, mixed-use and commercial retail projects. Andra is passionate about sustainable and inclusive design solutions that enhance the human experience. As native Floridian, we do our best not to hold that specific human experience against her, but sometimes it’s hard, ya know? Luckily she’s a superstar when it comes to her technical abilities and has a creative vision to match.

Back to the Florida thing…

We said what we said, and we stand by her and her origins. You can’t choose where you come from, but you can choose where you work. And she chose us, so we’ll take it.

Can you elaborate on her spirit animal?

We’re familiar with unicorns but “stabby the unicorn” is a mystery to us as well. A quick Google search tells us that it’s from a card game called Unstable Unicorns and is a card that kills other unicorns. If you’ll excuse us, we need to take a moment to chat with HR about something… totally unrelated.

Does she know how a hula hoop works?

Questionable, but we’re going to let it go because we’re not professional hula hoopers. At least not during regular business hours.